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Projects & Works Collection

Below are the projects and works that I have created together and alone, feel free to see it.


Smart Device



Games Collection

Here are some game works that I have developed together with my friends.


Political policy-making simulation game.

Made in the year of political party election, it was showcased to inform that making a policy at a higher level will have unintended consequences for another party. The game was created in 2 months and submitted to MOE 2018 Game Development Competition. In this game the player needs to pick a policy that will impact the city that you manage, what will you do? Will you please the opposing party or the society?
Genre: Simulation
Engine: Unity
Team Size: 3
Duration: 8 weeks
Platform: PC
Role: Project manager & Game designer
Recognition: 3rd National Winner at Magic of Entertainment STMIK KHARISMA Makassar (2018)


Indonesian based historical platformer.

As part of the submission for the GubuFest 2018, this game focused on a simple platformer game that flows on a story to search the missing scroll. Will you be able to recover the missing knowledge? Or will the knowledge be gone forever?
Genre: Platformer
Engine: Unity
Team Size: 3
Duration: 8 weeks
Platform: PC
Role: Project manager

Jagoan Indonesia

An educational puzzle game for kids to learn about the maps of Indonesia. We’re tasked to rebuild an existing game from the iOS to Android ecosystem without documentation.
Genre: Puzzle, Educational
Engine: Unity
Team Size: 5
Duration: 8 Weeks.
Platform: Android
Role: Project manager & Game designer

Planet of Sounds

A Global Game Jam 2018 Surabaya event participant to make a quick game and created in under 48 hours. The player will take control of spaceships to find other living beings in another world.
Genre: Puzzle
Engine: Unity
Team Size: 4
Duration: 48 Hours.
Platform: PC
Role: Script Writer & Music composer


A Global Game Jam 2019 Yogyakarta event participant to make a quick game and created in under 48 hours. In this game, the player needs to find all the clues within the mansion and solve the mystery within.
Genre: Puzzle, Mystery
Engine: Unity
Team Size: 5
Duration: 48 Hours.
Platform: PC
Role: Game designer

Read the story.

Behind every game project, there’s a story behind the development from the ideation to the end product, let’s see the story behind it!

Smart Devices Collection

Here are some game smart devices concept that I have developed together with my friends.


Alternative modern solution for the current existing trash bank program in Indonesia. Previously every client needs to visit the respective area and wait till the trash bag is being weighted. But with SOBAT, client and operator flow will be much faster and automated. The client just needs to put trash in the trash bin and the result of their conversion will be displayed on their account. It was made under 2 months for the smart device competition at HOLOGY 2.0.

Software: Arduino IDE
Sensor: Loadcell
Team Size: 3
Duration: 8 weeks
Platform: Web-based application
Role: Project manager
Recognition: 2nd National Winner of Smart Device Competition at House of Technology 2.0 (2019)

Stress Measurement System

A classwork project that focused on measuring human stress from the human sweat and heart rate.

Software: Arduino IDE
Sensor:  GSR and Heart Rate Sensor
Team Size: 5
Duration: 12 weeks
Platform: Web-based application
Role: Member

Railway Moving Block Concept

An undergraduate thesis that focused on researching the implementation of the moving block signalling concept outside of the urban area.

Software: Arduino IDE
Sensor:  Infrared and RFID reader
Team Size: 5
Duration: 12 weeks
Role: Researcher

Read the story.

Developing a smart system has a story behind it, why do we make it? and how is the result?

Editorial Collection

Here is some digital and physical publication that I co-create with my friends.

Pop Culture Basics Guide Book

Quick guide book for all readers who wanted to enter the pop culture world. It introduce the most basic term in pop culture, trending pop culture product, and history of pop culture in Indonesia.

Price: Free
Publication: Faculty of Computer Sciences Universitas Brawijaya Open House
Team Size: 4
Duration: 8 weeks
Role: Editor

Moe Daigaku Artbook

A special artbook to showcase an anthropomorphic version of a Faculty at Universitas Brawijaya.

Price: IDR 100.000
Publication: Comic Frontier 11
Team Size: 9
Duration: 8 weeks
Role: Editor

Animazine Magazine

Seasonal magazine to inform readers about the current anime, game, and music industry in Japan.

Price: Free
Publication: Online
Team Size: 5
Duration: 8 weeks
Role: Editor

Read the story.

Every book has a synopsis on the back of it, but have you hear the story behind the creation?

Event Collection

From high school to the present day, there’s a lot of event that we created together.

Studi Ekskursi Teknik Komputer

A site visit event for the computer engineering undergraduate major to major in technology and agency office. Here we learn and hear directly from the key person about what it’s to work within the company/agency.

Scope: Computer Engineering Student
Team Size: 10
Operating Day: 3 Days
Role: Head of Committee
Achievement: Reorganize and reopened the internal study excursion within the Computer Engineering major

HIMATEKKOM Leadership Development Camp

A key event for all members of the Computer Engineering Student Association (HIMATEKKOM) to learn how to be the next leader in the organization. The event provides hands-on learning on how to be a leader that can lead the masses with alumni and the internal leaders of HIMATEKKOM.

Scope: Computer Engineering Student
Team Size: 30
Operating Day: 2 Days
Role: Head of Documentation Division

ONI Matsuri

Yearly event within SMAN 7 Bogor that organized by Japanese language and culture extracurricular to introduce and promote Japanese culture to the public. The event was meant to be a celebration of Japanese traditional and modern culture.

Scope: Computer Engineering Student
Team Size: 10
Operating Day: 2 Days
Role: Head of Steering Committee
Achievement: Held the first annual Japanese festival at SMAN 7 Bogor

KIRANA Project

Social impact project for orphanage children to stay cope with the 2020 COVID situation.

Scope: Orphanage
Team Size: 8
Operating Day: 1 Day
Role: Head of Field Team

Bincang-Bincang Pop Kultur Malang

Community-based panel discussion to discuss the latest or interesting topic within the pop culture world. Here we share our thought about pop culture and discuss it in a formal and organize way.

Scope: Computer Engineering Student
Team Size: 6
Operating Day: 1 Day
Role: Head of Steering Committee
Achievement: Held the first community panel discussion by FLAC Community

Read the story.

Every event, there’s n event organizer, want to know the detail